Temos o prazer de anunciar a criação do Grupo GeoForAll Iberoamérica http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/GeoForAll_Iberoam%C3%A9rica. Este grupo é resultado da fusão de Grupo Regional para América do Sul e do Grupo Temático para Hispanohablantes de GeoForAll. Os coordenadores deste novo grupo são Silvana…
Free extension course: Development of Geospatial Applications
Book translation – The world of maps
As part of the celebrations for the International Map Year, the International Cartographic Association published the Book “World of Maps”, The goal of the International Map Year is to expand knowledge about cartography and geographical information among the general public and,…
Geo4All International Network of FOSS4G Labs Webminar Series
FOSS/FOSS4G applications in urban forests in the USA Ian Hanou Plan-it GEO This presentation will introduce the use of FOSS applications/FOSS4G for management, promotion and planning of urban forests. Case studies will highlight applications to mobile devices and the internet…
Portuguese translation – The world of maps
The years of 2015-2016 were chosen as “International year of Map” (http://mapyear.org/) . Organized by the International Cartographic Association (ICA) and supported by the U.N., is a global celebration of the map and its unique role in our world. As part of the…
“Explore! The Power of Maps” Activities of the OSMGeoWeek in the UFPR
During the days comprehended between 15 and 21 November was celebrated the OSMGeoWeek. During this week, several events had taken place all around the world, in order to disseminate the Open Street Map. People of various nationalities registered themselves on the site Open…